Friday, July 25, 2008


this is so crazy! so i love the jonas brothers obviously! and on my birthday (yesterday... duh) there was A LOT of weird jonas things that happened

1. camp rock was on disney channel that night
2. the oprah re-run was on
3. when i went to target they had a contest to sign up to meet the jonas brothers and demi lovato
4. i saw this moon chair that had joe on it and almost got it and then when i went home my best friend katie gave it to me for my birthday!
5. their rolling stones issue went on stands
6. when my dad got home he told me that on espn they were talking about the jonas brothers and how one of the guys had to take his daughter to the concert
7. my friend ordered a shirt of theirs like 2 ish weeks ago and it came in that day!

i think something jonas related is coming my way! ... i hope... maybe... idk.

but seriously that would be awesome.

maybe i have a better chance to win that contest i signed up for at target?
idk but it was weird and totally cool =D

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