Monday, December 29, 2008

new years resolutions

i need to make my new years resolutions...
what shall they be.

i think i will make three.
then disect them to pieces so their reachable.
yes that will be it.
i'll get back to you on what they're going to be.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


i never thought i would call this crappy temporary condo home .. but i am. i'm grateful to be home with my own bed and own bathroom... its very pleasant. i have no more 15 hour car rides to endure or creaky bunk beds to share with my sister and her boyfriend. no more cold showers or 10 people in one house. YESSS.

now i have basketball practices, bestfriends, and homework. I also have one more week of break and new years. .. woooot.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

dew FUCKING tour, hell yes.

i'm finally in colorado! as of this moment in time im sitting on the top bunk of my bunk bed in our cabin. the trip took like 15 hours.

heres the highlights of the past 15 hours of driving:

*we got a flat tire
*drove through a snow storm
*got stopped on the inner state when a random dog was running down it
*drove through the longest tunnel in the US.
*realized that a stop on the dew tour was taking place in breckenridge
*watched step brothers
*and i almost got car sickness.

it was pretty eventful. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

so were starting this new project in english..its our final project and i'm so excited =D

we got put into groups of like 10 and we have to make a song and a music video about world events and our life that have happened from 1992 to 2008 its gonna be AWESOME.

i'll definitly put the music video up on here and on my youtube once its done. i'm going to miss english class.

t-minus 4 days till colorado!!

in the car list:
*season 1 of gossip girl
*homework (YEAH RIGHT)
*my journal
*steves laptop (my sisters boyfriend)
*my video camera
*my ipod
*steves itrip
*my camera
hopefully that will last me 12-14 hours =))

ive decided to write a book.
i don't quite know what its going to be about though....hmm what a way to start a book.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

6hbgynm89ui 6tygt8yhgfgrf6y70o[;'p;lk,jhgcdfvhygb iuj7h

^^^the result of banging your forehead on the keyboard.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

god i suck

sometimes i wonder if i have any real friends.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

i'm slipping again

i can feel it. my old ways are slowly returning. i was actually completely 100 percent happy for about a week and i think thats going away. i'm not for sure.. its just that i have moments in my day where i catch myself thinking about really negative things and its just depressing. i hope i don't, i want to be truly happy for my trip to colorado. i dont wanna be a bummer. well i'm never pessimistic towards others and i don't actually show these feelings out in the open but i know the difference, and so does my mom.

when i'm happy, my mom and i get along.
when i'm not happy, we don't.

nothing good ever stays.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


my best friends grandpa died =( i hate deaths.
it brings everyone down. i know im a pessimist and all but i never want people to die. it sucks especially when its closely related to you.

i feel so gross right now. we went to this place called tic toc for dinner and i ate wayyy to much and i dont feel good now. blehhh.

i had my job shadow today. it was boring but informative. i dont wanna work for a newspaper though. i really need to think about what i could possibly do for a living. im the biggest hippy in my family so not spending money would be easy but when i have kids i want them to be able to do things they like like i get to do. yes i'm spoiled.. i'm sorry. i'm also self centered. im trying to change that but its difficult. atleast i'm aware of that.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

lets play trivial pursuit

it was awesome.

katie kelsey and i went to barnes and noble and read books! pretty exciting right? haha.
i actually had a lot of fun

did you know that theres more stars then there is grains of sand??
bet you learned something new today.

i have my job shadow tomorrow! i'm so excited. its at our local know since i wanna be a journalist..although thats probably not gonna happen but ehh w/e.

i'm going to colorado in t-minus 10 days!!!!!

thats all i got. i needa go to bed.

Monday, December 8, 2008

rain drops on roses and kittens with whiskers.

i read this poem the other day and i absolutely love it...its called the day is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

the day is done, and the darkness
falls from the wings of night,
as a feather is wafted downward
from an eagle in his flight.

i see the lights of the village
gleam through the rain and the mist,
and a feeling of sadness comes o'er me
that my soul cannot resist:

a feeling of sadness and longing,
that is not akin to pain,
and resembles sorrow only
as the mist resembles the rain.

Come, read to me some poem,
some simple heartfelt lay,
that shall soothe this restless feeling,
and banish the thoughts of day.

Not from the grand old masters,
Not from the bards sublime,
Whose distant footsteps echo
Through the corridors of Time.

For, like strains of martial music,
Their mighty thoughts suggest
Life's endless toil and endeavor;
And tonight I long for rest.

Read from some humbler poet,
Whose songs gushed from his heart,
As showers from the clouds of summer,
Or tears from the eyelids start;

Who, through long days of labor,
And nights devoid of ease,
Still heard in his soul the music
Of wonderful melodies.

Such songs have the power to quiet
The restless pulse of care,
And come like the benediction
That follows after prayer.

The read from the treasured volume
The poem of thy choice,
And lend to the rhyme of the poet
The beauty of thy voice.

And the night shall be filled with music
And the cares, that infest the day,
Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs,
And as silently steal away.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

and if anyone actually reads this blog..

heres my horror story from english class... its really gross and i swear i'm not that creepy

James Anthony Pattinson, my one true love. He has floppy chestnut colored hair that falls over his chocolate brown eyes and the sweetest crooked smile I have ever seen. His favorite color is blue and he is the one guy I know that likes The Notebook. He goes through about four cans of pizza flavored Pringles every week, and he works at the playstation. He writes his own music, although he has never told anyone, and he enjoys singing in the shower. I know he loves god because he has a cross tattoo on his lower neck next to a birth mark shaped like the big dipper. His home of 18 years presides on 1220 Terrace Road and he drives a 1998 Trans Am. The first and last time I ever talked to him was in the hallway two years ago when I ever so carelessly tripped in front of him. He looked at me, asked me if I was ok, laughed, and walked away. It was magical.
Then there is his dreadful girlfriend Katie Bazan. She has fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes. She is the spawn of Satan. I don’t know what he sees in her. Clearly she is demented and she doesn’t know anything about him. I hate her. No, I more then hate her, I curse the day she was born. If I ever get to be alone with her I can only imagine all the opportunities I would have to hurt her as I please.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

There she is, right on time for their date. He’s making her French onion soup. He loves onions. Thank God they don’t have curtains; it makes things so much easier.

He slurps his soup.

Look at the way she’s gripping the table. It is as if she’s imagining it to be his neck. Who would want to do that to him? Her, on the other hand I would understand. I just want to pry her bony fingers from the table and bend them all the way backwards, twist them around and pluck them off, like fuzzies on a wool sweater.

He cracks his knuckles.

I wish I could pop Katie in the head with a gun like James pops his knuckles. Just like a paper target at the shooting range. Stand her about 100 feet away and shoot at free will. Aim right for her cold empty heart and at her skull where there should be a brain. Too late for that.

He laughs.

His laughter sounds like bells peeling on a Sunday morning, calling church in session. Her laugh on the other hand, sounds like the screech of a cat being run over by a semi truck. Oh how I wish I had the opportunity to do that to her. I would run her feet over first, so she couldn’t get away. Then I would reverse and run over more of her legs. I would keep on with this, slowly crushing all of her bones in her body. Saving her head for last I would run it over, back up over it again and then get out of the car to watch her ooze all over the pavement.

He ruffles his hair.

He looks so adorable when he does that. It’s a useless action since it just flops back in his eyes, but I love it. On the other hand, when she touches her hair, I just want to scalp her. I want to take a rusty old butter knife and drag it slowly over her head, shaving off all of her repulsive ginger hair.

He snaps his fingers to recall something.

Look at the way her eyes flicker every time he snaps his fingers. All hot with anger; it seems as if she wants to stick his hands in boiling water or something. If I had a pot of water I would gouge out her eyeballs and squeeze out the jelly for my cat to eat. Then I would boil the remnants of her eyes like hard boiled eggs and jar them up to set on my nightstand.

They finish eating and he pushes out his chair.

Where are they going? Up to his room? I can not believe her! Trapping the poor boy up there! Now I don’t know what they’re doing. I guess I will have to go inside. It’s not like I haven’t done it before. Hopefully I don’t get caught; it was a pretty close call last time. He’ll be grateful though once I save him. And once I gut her like a fish. I really could gut her right now; I have my pocket knife. All it would take is cutting her Achilles tendon so she can’t get away. It would be a piece of cake from there. But I would have to send James away. He’s too precious to see something like that.

He carries her up the stairs.

I could lighten his load. Maybe I could chop off her chicken legs. Or maybe I could just take her altogether and cut her into little pieces to put in the blender.

He shuts the door.

What is going on in there? I can’t take this anymore! All I can hear is faint muffled noises. If she even so much as pulls out one of his arm hairs, I’ll slaughter her! I’ll slice off her head and... I have to go in; I am going mad out here. I…


She snapped his neck! My world is over. With-out him, I have no reason to exist. My love is dead! A half of me is gone forever!
She sees me in the doorway.
She’s crazy! She’s deranged! She is the spawn of Satan! Good thing I grabbed that kitchen knife before I came up here.

I pull out the knife.

Off with her head. She’s better off dead than alive. She was a bit of a lunatic.

i'm an optimist today

me and my bestfriend figured things out, we're all good now.

it went something like this.. so i had my first home basketball game of the season right and i ask her to come. she says she doesn't want to so i was just like w/e thats chill idc although i was a bit dissapointed. then her parents come to the game and she doesn't.. shes hanging out with some guy. which was kind of sucky at the time but now he's her unofficial boyfriend so its good. and there adorableeee together =) anyways.. she and her mom get into this heugeee fight cuase my best friends mom came and my bestfriend didn't.. yeah weird i know. so she texts me and is like 'im so so sorry i didn't come to your game' and i was like 'oh its fine i dont really mind that much' or something like that. and her mom just keeps getting more and more mad at her so she keeps apologizing and stuff... but heres the kicker.... my phone was being gay so i wasn't getting any of her texts or phone calls so she thought i was like SUPER mad at her so she started bawling in her room and i finally got her texts at like 3 in the morning haha. then when i got up the next morning and after i had basketball .. i called her and was like why would i hate you? shes like cause i didn't go to your game. it was just this whole repitious thing.. again.. and once everything was figured out we had a good laugh. so now she makes sure that she doesn't just hang out with her lover since that was what she was doing for a while.. and she hangs out with me more and shes back to her old self... now she just brings him with her to the games =)=)

which is cool cause i really like her unofficial boyfriend hes nice.

basketball is a whole different story.. =( but its getting better =) i had four points last night and i didn't make any major mistakes. which is bad still ik but i used to be good and then this season i sucked big time. my confidence was already shot at the beginning of the season from volleyball and it was just a slippery slope downwards.. but then i talked to my coach which helped things with him and now i'm slowly getting going turn around is coming i can feel it =)=)=)....its only a matter of time.

i also had one of the BEST dreams everrr last night. it was about my crush. =) but not in a gross way. haha it was just really cute

Thursday, November 27, 2008

did you know that your pinky has the density of a carrot?

where to begin, where to begin.


1) my mom thinks that i have an attitude problem. she says i have a bad attitude about everything, and that i'm never happy. well i'm sorry that highschool sucks in general and that you ride my ass about grades constantly mom. i'll try and be optimistic. or not.

2) my best friend has been a not so good best friend lately. thanks for being there. its been a blast.

3) i never used to cry and i find myself crying atleast 3 times a week. thats pathetic.

4) i hardly get sleep.

5) no guys like me, all guys seem interested in are dumb skinny inarticulate bitches.

im sorry that im not inarticulate, skinny or dumb. i can be a bitch though.

thats about it. i think i'm going to start going to the library more. it fits me perfectly, quiet and relaxing. you can pick up a book and be whoever you want to be. i love it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


i am done officially with one of the busiest weeks of my life... finally.

oh man. im so tired.

we take family pictures next week .. those never turn out good. i wanna barf just thinking about all of our past family photos. ha ha.

i think i'm going to start making my christmas list. =) that'll be fun.

volleyball tryouts today. . wish me luck.

good luck lexi... wow im so gay sometimes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


i'm really sad right now because i might be done with volleyball for forever.

i had a shitty season this year and all my friends are trying out for other teams. i'm not though because i would only want to play on my previous club team with all my friends. but the program is falling apart and it might not happen. if i would even make the team in the first place. its not just for the playing with my friends part that i would only try out for that team. its just that i have gotten screwed over so much in volleyball, that its the only way i would stick with it. were going to suck next year in volleyball anyways if we all split up.

it makes me kind of depressed.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


i got new converse saturday. they have evil looking icecreams on them.
and i got a steve erkle shirt that says woah mama on it. i'm wearing it tomorrow.
right now i'm obsessed with the taylor swift song.. love story.

thats all i got.

Monday, November 10, 2008

can you take a guess

bare with me i'm a pessimist.
my feet hurt. i am tired as hell. i have it tomorrow.. and for another four ish months. it requires a lot of work. its a sport?
any guesses?
thats right..... BASKETBALL.
i love it but i seriously hate it right now. my whole body aches. and my best friend quit... already.
i begged her to go out since she's really good and she quit. on the FIRST DAY.

sooooo anyways. i went to the vikings packers game this weekend. it was amazing. they won in the last couple minutes and the hawks won too! finally both my teams win. yess.

i feel another jonas brothers obsession coming on. i was worried for a while because i always have these phases. but its been quite a while since my last one. but i feel it... i think.

i'm gonna go to bed. i'm wiped.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Last Night

so i have this crush. i won't say his name for privacy purposes, but i've liked him for quite some time. i have never talked to him and i don't even know if he knows my name. He goes to a different school and he has a girlfriend. i am ugly and he is gorgeous. He is also in a band and i got to see him play last night. We have practically the same personalities. we are both pessimists, and we are both really chill people. He is practically my ideal boyfriend, to bad that will never happen. Last night he was wearing skinny but not to skinny jeans and a cream brown and tan button up flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows. His hair which he cut a while back was done almost perfectly and i pretty much melted everytime he walked by. I think he knows that i like him because he kept looking over at me and i would be watching him or i would look over and he would be looking at me. He doesn't smile that often but when he does its this shy grin that i can't get out of my head. i sound really obsessive, but seeing him makes me day and catching his eye makes my head swim everytime i think about it.

hopefully he never sees this.. which is like a chance in a million but still that would be embarassing


i think i'm going to start writing about certain events in my day but i'm going to do it writer style and just pick one tiny event and write it in really great detail. =) to help improve

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

too tired

i'll make the concert blog later since im going to put in pictures and videos =DD

another thought

oh and then once i left the tournament she played the guilt trip card and tryed to get everyone to side with her by crying.

i hope no one i know sees this .. its just random venting that iwould normally put in a journal. except for the fact that this IS my journal.

then she emailed my mom and my mom let her have it. in a semi respectable way of course.

so much has happened and i havent even updated!!

first of all.... SIX FLAGS WAS FUCKING BEAST! wow one of the best days of my life. and i got it alllll on video. i was going to make a documentary .. but then ... my gay ass video camera decided to be stupid and not let me upload all the videos i took =( argggg.

secondly,,, i had a volleyball tournament this past weekend... AND I QUIT DURING IT!! it was so insane. my coach who fucked me over all season made the decision to put in a setter at MY spot when someone got hurt. i snapped. i was bawling and shaking and i just couldn't do it. she said it was because i didn't have my t-shirt off. WHAT THE FUCK? really? wow what kind of a reason is that... i just went up to her after that game and told her i quit and that i couldn't do it anymore.. then i left. my parents weren't even there. once i left though the whole team fell apart and all the starters who are like my best friends just didn't want to be there anymore and our undefeated volleyball team took fifth in the tournament. HAHAH. i didn't mean to make them fall apart, i just wanted the coach to fall apart like the pansy that she is. which this is all really mean but you don't even KNOW. oh my god. lfkjaklsdjg;a;;; im still upset about it. i cryed so much saturday. but i guess its chill now.

now i'll post a whole seperate entry for the family force five, danger radio, play radio play, ultra violet sound concert!!!! which was so sick.

oh and i started drivers ed =)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

you got me going crazyyy..

so today was total and complete chaos.

first off, i had a game last night.. TWO HOURS AWAY, so i got home at like 11
secondly, i had to go in early to school to do this gay mind map thing for english.. and my group didnt show up!
thirdly, i also had to make a notecard for my chem test, finish my chem project (which i hadnt even started) and finish my quiz from chemistry the day before.
thennn i had to take an english test over the mind map i finished earlier that morning
after that i had too finish my math at lunch and do my spanish homework during the class that it was due in.
once that was done i went to chem and took the test after studying for about two seconds.

then i was confronted by a teacher about someone else cheating in class. how in the hell do i answer that?! especially when he cheated off of my test and the teacher didn't even know it!..and hes really hot too.

after that whole stupid thing.. i got to go home.
but not until i found a ride home... since kelsey never answers her flippin phone.

but now its all good cause i got the hot pink hat i wanted from target and i ate pancheros!
woooop.. and we didnt have volleyball tonight.. thank the lord.

i also sat next to this incredibly sexy kid in study hall. we've been in study hall for like half the quarter together and all we've done is made intense eye contact and finally today he got the balls to come and sit by me at the computers =D=D it pretty much made my horrible day. and he looked gooood today.

i think im going to start putting up videos and pictures on this thingy. it'll make what im trying to say soo much cooler.

Monday, October 13, 2008

forty year old man with ties to the mob and the black market.

we have a volleyball game two hours away tomorrow.


and we had a team dinner tonight. that was gay too.

i can't wait for the season to be over. then basketball can start. woo.
i want a break from sports.. but im still pumped for basketball.

we have a four day weekend next week
.. and i get to go to a family force five/the cab concert =DDD

me and my bestest friend ever were having a conversation through text today and it was so funny. it went something like this.
k for katie
l for lexi(me)

k: hows chem
l: gay gay gay
k: oh thats nice
l: it is, just to be clear i am going with you and kels after school
k: ok thanks for clearing that up, last time the whole situation was a bit foggy
l: what are you? a forty year old english man
k: shh dont tell anyone, they might put me on the sex offenders list
l: i wont. thats understandable since you sit in the girls locker room every morning and since you play volleyball with girls in short tight spandex every day.
k: im glad you understand, otherwise i'd have to get my buddies to rape you.
l: why not you?
k: i like to watch, its more enjoyable
l: well since were sharing secrets.. im an old man who has ties to the black market and the mob
k: i wont tell, its our little secret.
l: thanks buddy.
k: yeah no problem, we should get together some time and swap stories.
l: yeah sounds like a plan

wow were fucked up.. or maybe just bored.

were the type of friends who can sit in one of our rooms allllll day doing absolutely nothing but listening to music and talking.

and we probably have more fun than you............well obviously since your a cyberspace journal and no one reads this..hah. but its more fun to act like someone reads this so they can laugh at my pathetic excuse for a life.

i've been thinking a lot about my future lately even though im only a tenth grader.
so far ive come up with these ideas and reasons not to persue in them

1. journalism (starving artist job and i'm really not that good and the only good pay in this job is if you make it big)
2. something in history/pop culture ( bad pay unless you do something boring or make it big)
3. modeling (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA never would i be good enough for that i already suck at normal life)
4. teaching (i pretty much hate kids and i really don't like school all that much. hell im already trying to get out)
5. actor (HAHAHAHHAHAHAH once again im ugly and probably can't act but im very good at being dramatic and making people laugh ... which is quite surprising since im not even funny just dark and sarcastic mostly)
7. idk what else ..... be in a band ... that would never happen .. im trying to learn the guitar and i cant sing
8. i dont know i give up.. fuck my future.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


we had a volleyball tournament this weekend .. aka my whole fucking saturday.

and guess what... i didn't play a single fucking minute. its so fucked up. i go from starting my whole life in volleyball playing one of the two rights and then come this season i sit almost every game. fuck my life, fuck my coach, fuck fuck FUCK.

but then i slept over at kelseys house and her sexyyyy older brother whos nineteen was home all night =))) which made my day infinetly better. spell check on infinetly? w/e

but i really love but hate volleyball season right now. were undefeated this season and everyone has big heads about it, and yeah were good but it would be a hell of a lot more challenging if all the good players on every other team didn't get moved up. yes we still beat them anyway, but this season is not challenging at all to our team and we need to get better.

i can't wait for basketball season its going to be BOMB. i got my bestest friend forever to go out this year. she quit before the season last year and she's insanely good and i talked her into it this year =DDDD she said shes going to quit if she doesn't like it but im still REALLy excited.

enough about sports.

so kelseys brother, whos name is keil said hes gonna take us partying WOOOT.
college parties=sexy boys

bring it.

i watched a movie called remember the daze today hah. it had absolutely no point and it was really trippy and all about highschoolers doing 'shrooms and getting high and stuff. it was really funny.

then i carved a pumpkin.. which is absolutely amazing i might add.

and my parents were out of town this weekend which was very nice.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

the breakup

katie broke up with dan last night. although he was like crying and i felt bad about it i still had one of the funniest nights of my life.

i had chinese tonight =D it was pretty bomb.

we watched the truman show in english and it was amazing. its about this guy who's whole life is a reality show that streams 24/7 on tv, but heres the kicker...he doesn't know his life is a reality show. his whole world is fake.. from his family to his wife to his wholeee life! even the sun and the moon and EVERYTHING it was absolutely fucked up and crazy but probably one of the best movies ever. i would seriously recommend that. and jim carreys in it.

halloweens coming up! anddd im going to frightfest at six flags in two weekends =)))))))) im so happy about that. its going to be pretty b.a.

homecoming was last weekend, it was pretty dece but i had a stalker the WHOLE night. hes one of my best guy friends too. i was like seriously dude BACK OFF. oh my. but man this kid i know whos from a different school was there and i have a crush on him and man did he look good. and i felt bad for him because he came with his girlfriend but she kept ditching him, so for like two of the four hours he was sitting at a table texting. haha. but he looked gorgeous.. if only he knew me.. dangg. haha it'll happen.

Friday, October 3, 2008

the homecoming game was tonight

i hung out with three EXTREMELY sexyyyy boys.

it was amazing.

one is one that i tutor =D

hopefully we'll talk on monday

and tomorrow is the dance and i still need my dress
but im going in a suburban limo thing its TIGHTT.

im really happy tonight
and i got a pair of sunglasses blue shorts and two pairs of really sweet earings

thats propably why =D

thats about it for now

Thursday, October 2, 2008

i still need a homecoming dress

my ankle is huge again


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

i might even be a rockstar!!

sooo...its homecoming week.

that means gay dress up days like for instance.. today was clash day. its shit.

but tomorrow is rockstar day and i might possibly do it just so i can look sweet in an outfit that i couldn't pull off on a normal day. and its the perfect excuse to wear my hot pink skinny jeans which i havent worn since last year =( but yayy =) i get to wear them.

the good thing about homecoming week is ... TPing!!! except for the fact that if you get caught you spend the night in jail and are suspended from homecoming activities.

for example: two guys got arrested at school today because they were dumb asses and went to TP this one dudes house since he egged one of the guys cars and he was waiting and they binded him by his ankles and hands and beat him up and saran wrapped him to a tree. hahahah but it sucks cause they were charged with kidnapping and assault. ouch.

i also had early practice this morning and i have it tomorrow too and i can't even practice cause of my fucking ankle.


Monday, September 29, 2008

i dyed my hair!!! chicka yeahhh.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

spell check

i think its spelled e x t r a v a g e n t.. but i still don't know for sure. i guess i could spell check it, but i don't wanna.

i love drunk people

i can't wait to get married some day.

pessimism for the day: i sprained my freakin' ankle on friday at volleyball because fucking abby shueler went under the net while i was blocking. gahhh so i couldn't go to the volleyball tournament today and my ankle is the size of a balloon.

anywayss. i went to this sweet wedding tonight. it was my sisters old best friend. it was so extravigent? extravagant? extravigant? w/e i dont know how to spell that. they toasted with bellinis which is champagne and peach flavoring. then at the end of the night my parents were like 'lexi did you drink your bellini' i was like 'yeah' ... plus four. they didn't even notice i was drinking all night haha. i had like 4 or.. a lot i dont remember but they taste like sparkling grape juice. idk but they made my ankle feel a lot better. i was like yeah the glass of champagne and the advil really loosened it up. hahah. w/e plus the others i was drinking. then the brides best friend whos like a millionaire that lives in hong kong was really drunk. hes like 25 and gay and i was talking to him about something and i had to leave and he grabbed my face and gave me a big kiss. hahah it was greatt. and his boyfriend whos from hongkong was so bombed.

i love drunk people.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

for a pessimist i'm pretty optimistic.

i went shopping at goodwill this weekend! it was bomb.
yes, i know goodwill is a store for people who don't neccasarily have money to spend on clothes, but it always has the coolest vintage clothing. i got a sweet plaid button up, and three awesome button up wool sweater that are all 80s styled.

ugly old people clothes make the best young people clothes.

i made my family dinner tonight it was amazing! i got a recipe book today, and i prepared it all on my own; it was healthy too.

then my cousin lauren and i got those minny? minnie? mini.. its mini.. icecream pints of ben and jerrys. those things are seriously adorable. i got chocolate chip cookie dough; it was delish.

i had to do my english speech monday it was horrible. i literally was one step below hyperventilating. i was taking short shallow breaths and my hands were shaking so badly. then i sat down after and my legs looked like they were bouncing up and down but they were actually shaking! but i got a 76/75 which i totally didn't expect. i was so happy about that.

demi lovatos cd came out; man she can sing!

i actually sound like a normal, happy person in this post. normally its all pesimistic and depressing haha. there's a lot of exclamation points

here's a bit of pessimism for you: my volleyball career is shit. i used to be a starting all-star type player on my team and now i've been pretty much benched. instead of having soar shoulders i now posess butt splinters from riding the bench. if i dont make the A club team this year i'm most deffinetly quitting.

Monday, September 15, 2008

i had a quite pleasant weekend

my parents went away.

but they're back =(

i wish i had a british accent there so cool.

we have to give speeches in english on wednesday, that makes me wanna cry.
i HATE public speaking.


i had a TRY meeting at school tonight. i got pizza! and then this really hot kid from another school was there even though it was a school club meeting and he stayed and ate pizza with his girlfriend. but it was slightly awkward cause i was like thinking about him and then BAM hes right there. haha. and at a school function non the less.

this guy is my only insentive to go to homecoming.. he might be there with his girlfriend.
how weird and lame of me right.

well enough about guys.

i got eight new cds from my sisters boyfriend steve since he has like 14000 songs in his itunes so he brought his mac book and i burned some it was schweet.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


i really hate my mom right now.

fucking volleyball.

its a love hate relationship.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

paso doble

we've been in the paso doble or however you spell it unit in spanish since the beginning of the year and i still dont even fully understand the meaning of the title. whatever. we have the paso doble test tomorrow and i am not ready. well a little but its still going to be an epic fail.

i went to this coffee shop thinger again with katie and it was delicious. the guy working was really cute too. it was a double bonus.

i dyed the bottom layer of my hair purple. its so cool. not gonna lie.

we have our second volleyball game tomorrow and its an hour away from home. fuck. i have to wear a dress to school too.

we watched the ultimately best movie ever today in english. THE GOONIES =DD its pretty beast if i do say so.

whats with all the weird words? wow im way to cool.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


this is my innermonologue from english. its basically a conversation between me and my mom that happens on like a daily basis. its a little harsh towards her but whatever. the normal print is my thoughts and the italicized/bold stuff is me and her talking.

-Hi honey, how was your day?
-It was ok. I only have a little bit of Spanish to do.

Plus math, chemistry, an English paper, those two tests, and five more pages of Spanish. What you don’t know won’t hurt you.
-That’s good.

Except for the fact that I just lied through my teeth.
-You’ll never guess what happened to me at work today!
You got another house listing.
-I got another listing!

Whoa, never saw that one coming.
-That's awesome.
I don’t care.
-Your dad and I have to work again tonight, so you’re going to have to make your own dinner.
It’s not like you cook when you’re around anyways.
-I’m sorry honey.
-That’s ok.

I like being abandoned, it has its advantages.
-You’ll be fine, we have plenty to eat.
I don’t think that bread and yogurt classify.
-We need to get you new volleyball shoes. How about we go tomorrow?
Lies! You’ve been saying that since last season.
-Sure sounds good.
(My moms’ cell phone rings)
-I have to take this.

Joy. I get to hear about her day for the second time.
-Bye honey I’ll be home around 8.
More like ten.
-yeah, see you later.

See you tomorrow.


fuck my life.

im a bit of a pessimist

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

school is dumbb

soooo i have a c minus in spanish because i got six out of ten on my one and only quiz so far and my mom is already riding my ass. blehh.

we have early volleyball practice on friday at 530 AM im going to die! but i get to see goodnight chicago perform woooot.

katie and i went to java creek and did homework tonight it was fun we were all hyper and crazy but we actually got some stuff done although i still have to type an innermonologue paper for english but it should be fun once i stop procrasinating it. =D

my moms letting me dye a purple streak in my hair!!!! im so excited.

so the guy working at java creek was undeniably sexy woobabyy. but we were still in our volleyball spandex when we went and everyone was looking at us like we were crazy.

this is all so boring

ill post my innermonologue later =D

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


i saw THEE cutest guy today at school.

hes a freshmen though which is a minor set back
pshh details details who caress.

although i sound extremely shallow. hah.

i feel like shit ive had a headache ALL day and we had a conditioning practice for volleyball it was hell. the gym was like 99 degrees. yikess.

i need to shower im all sweaty.
twilight!! november 21st!

katie wore a team edward shirt today it was sweeet.

Monday, September 1, 2008

i've dropped the ball

well it doesnt matter what so ever i guess because no one else has one of these but i have a guilty conscience because of it. hah.

so i read that twilight book and i was really partial at first because its about vampires but WOW! its so good. stephanie meyer (is that how you spell her last name?) is a genius when it comes to writing. so now the part of my body that handles my obsessions is split between the jonas brothers edward cullen/twilight and boys. i don't think thats healthy ..

i also saw acrossed the universe the other day. you know, the musical movie based off a bunch of beatles songs, and that was extremely good as well. and they had like song after song and usually i want to rip my hair out when they do that but a) it was the beatles and b) they didn't like do the whole song it was just parts which was sweet.

we sold our house that we were building to live in since we sold our monstrosity of a house last year and were still living in this shitty condo. its actually quite nice but i dont like having to keep my music at a quiet volume just becuase we have people next door. its GAYY. i sound like a brat but my music? really? thats dumb.

ive decided what i'm going to do in my next room though since my moms given me free reign for once. which i basically forced her to do since their fucking making me live in a condo for a year and a half of my highschool career. so anyways my room. well first off i have a european bed frame thats really low to the ground from ikea that my dads gonna take the headboard off of and make me a different one that im going to draw all over and wood burn and stuff then paint all cool. then at urban outfitters they have this like chair collage on the wall with some pretty sweet chairs to hang stuff off of which im going to do with some antique chairs. and then on my walls im doing this electric blue color that is seriously amazing and im going to stencil in a huge peace sign and a dove on the wall since thats the symbol from the 60s/70s that meant like anti war hippy peace w/e and i have this fetish with hippy buses and im gonna do one of those on the wall and then im gonna do a wall or maybe my door with a million and one pictures and stuff. then im gonna have a gray comforter i think with yellow sheets and sweeet pillows. i also want one of those mini zen gardens in a box from barnes & nobles that i see everytime im there in those little kits by the register haha

so enough with the self absorbtion but what else am i supposed to talk about its not like anyone reads this to comment me back on hhah.

thats about it for now i really need to get off the computer though

ohhh my mom is letting me get a laptop!!!! woooooot.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

ive been slacking

i got dairy queen today. i hope everyone else did to. all their money they made today went to helping disabled/hurt children. =)

i also had olive garden (italian) and jonesies (hole in the wall diner)
it was a very yummy but veryyy unhealthy day of eating.
i feel guilty.

so i went to that olympic thing this past weekend.. it was fun, we basically got to hang out with the guy and his family for two days and then went to his fund raiser dinner. (fyi his name is ben askrin)

we also went to the mall while we were their it was fun. i got a new pair of skinnies, a beanie, the first twilight book which i have yet to read, a cheetah print backpack and well yeah thats it.


thats all i really have to say sadly and shockingly enough.

oh and i saw sisterhood of the traveling pants 2 as well... it was good. but the microphone that they filmed with kept like popping into view it was hysterical.. but i think that was just at our theatre.

Friday, August 1, 2008

where the fuck did my about me go???????


soooo... its been like a week since ive updated =/ but w/e

ive accomplished the following since my last post..
1. went to hampton and saw two of the sexiest people everr.
2. ate subway 6 times
3. went to volleyball camp for 2 days 2 hours away
4. received a camp rock lunch box
5. been grounded for no fucking reason
7. lost 5.27 in a bet

i didnt do a 6 hah.

so hampton was pretty much amazing
except laura (my very blonde very dumb spaztic friend) was like throwing herself at kirk. and shes addicted to her phone which is SOOO annoying. like she'd text people in the room! that made me sooooooooooooooooooooooo mad. you have no idea. and keegan made out with levi! yayyyy. she said he was a good kisser =p which is what i lost five dollars to. cause we made a list called THE LIST. original right? and there was like bets that i made that if keegan did them i would give her money and she only did two. but next time ... she said its gonna be on like donkey kong! <

thats all i really had to say but tomorrow im going to milwaukee because someone i know really well is going to the olympics for wrestling and my family and i are going to his send off party. WOOT WOOOT!

i wonder if i'll meet any other olympic athletes?!? how COOL would that be?

Friday, July 25, 2008


this is so crazy! so i love the jonas brothers obviously! and on my birthday (yesterday... duh) there was A LOT of weird jonas things that happened

1. camp rock was on disney channel that night
2. the oprah re-run was on
3. when i went to target they had a contest to sign up to meet the jonas brothers and demi lovato
4. i saw this moon chair that had joe on it and almost got it and then when i went home my best friend katie gave it to me for my birthday!
5. their rolling stones issue went on stands
6. when my dad got home he told me that on espn they were talking about the jonas brothers and how one of the guys had to take his daughter to the concert
7. my friend ordered a shirt of theirs like 2 ish weeks ago and it came in that day!

i think something jonas related is coming my way! ... i hope... maybe... idk.

but seriously that would be awesome.

maybe i have a better chance to win that contest i signed up for at target?
idk but it was weird and totally cool =D

birthday extraviganza!

sooo my birthday was yesterday obviously. and there was some weird stuff that went down but first off i want to tell you about my birthday. =D

sooooo i got up and my mommy got me a cinnamon crunch bagel from panera and then i went to target to get some stuff for my freakin sweet castle cake which tastes like heaven and kind of looks like a sandcastle haha. then i got home from target and my friends jumped out at me with silly string that they like covered me in and gave me a cake that looked like a big piece of shit but tasted really good. i also got a camp rock joe jonas moon chair thinger and these gigantic clown looking sunglasses some colored hair extensions like the cheap kind that you buy at the dollar store, some plastic jewelry a watch with changable shapes that you put on it also compliments of the dollar store, i got some swedish fish, twizzlers and some fake flowers. i got real ones though in the morning from my mommy. and i got a dress from pacific sunwear from my sister who also brought back my hoody that had a censor they left on it. and my mom and dad gave me a swarovski necklace that is gorgeous and extremely expensive =X i hope i dont lose it. then we went to the dark freakin knight and it is officially my new favorite! it was soo good and intense. but i peed three times during it so i missed some parts but i swear thats the fastest ive EVER peed in my life. i have bladder issues i swear. (not really i just pee a lot) and then katie had to go home cause she had work but me keegan and alli (one of my other friends who used to be my best friend but not so much anymore but still friend after much stupid drama earlier this year) went back to my house and i made the funfetti cake that would soon be my castle cake and we watched the oprah re run of the jonas brothers since it was on. then later i went to dinner with my family (including my sister who came home from the university of iowa) and some really good family friends kurt and courtney. we ate at biaggis which is this extremely good italian place and i got the chicken fettucinni. and then at the end they came out with this piece of rich chocolate cake with a candle in it (which they must have ordered during one of my numerous bathroom adventures) and i almost died of embarassment the whole resturaunt was watching and my OLDER sister sang as loud as she could very off key (she drank a few glasses of wine can you tell) when they sang happy birthday and i just ducked and covered. then my mommy gave me my necklace and we went home and i finished my cake!

talk about a lot of freakin cake
and i CANT FORGET I GOT A SWORD! like the plastic kind from the dollar store. that was my favorite present =D
it was a good birthday =)

im officially fifteen!!!!! and only like 11 hours till i see kirk!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

its my birthday and i can cry if i want to

i am officially 15 years old


keegan got a blogspot today. but i dont know if i want to tell her my url cause she will think im i freak reading this. hah its like my online journal.

welllll... i am already a freak/the crazy eccentric one in the group.


I was so happy when i saw that. thats a BIG deal emphasis on the big. i dream of working for rolling stones magazine. its the best most classic music magazine around and my favorite band is on the cover.
rolling stones is typically a rock'n'roll type of magazine but they put a disney channel pop rock band on there.
that tells you something.. the jonas brothers arent just a tween phase they are for real.
and i am so freakin pumped about this!
can you tell? hah

anywaysss back to reality. i think i told you (you? who is you?) that im making the coolest castle cake onthe planet tomorrrow.. well i am and i think im going to take a picture of it and make it like my banner on the top of my blog cuase im JUST that cool. cause my page is boringg.

im thinking i need a name for my blog. like my moms gps system in her mercedes is named sasha du loc. =) so something like that. likeeee. idk im going to google baby names .

google knows all. yess i know i say that everytime i mention google but it does.

sooooo i have nothing else to say.
48ish hours until i get to visit kirk!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

kickin it old school

keegan and i have decided we are going to buy a slip'n'slide tomorrow!
it is going to be AWESOME.

my birthday is in one day!!
and i see kirk in four/three days!!

for my birthday im going out to lunch with my mom and katie and keegan and then were going to The Dark Knight
can i get a woot woot?
im excited!

i need to go to bed i have weight lifting at 9 and its 1:07 right now.
blehhhh. but i dont really have anything else to say so....


Monday, July 21, 2008

im so tired

i went bowling tonight
i thought so.

my phone is going a-wall
what does that even mean
i could be saying something completely illogical right now and i wouldnt even know it.
thats kinda scary.

so i never got to see the dark knight.
but i get to for my birthday on thursday

i turn 15
yess ik i said im 15 but thats just cuase i consider myself to be that age since im so young for my grade
im going into 10th and im still freakin 14 that shits messed up

i didnt even break 100 bowling hahahaha.
and im really delirious

someone made jonas ROBOTS on the computer
i think its a little creepy but extremely funny
and my friend keegan was over and we decided to talk to one

we talked to joe and he was like 'are you a male or a female'
and i go 'female' and he goes 'me too i am a she' LMAO
i was like 'no you are a male your just confused'


anywayssss. i found a new website that i lovelovelove
its like perez but for younger celebrities.
and i absolutely love what the buck on youtube AND
those are my favorites and you cant forget perez =D i love him so much

what the buck??
i love that saying

katie: i live in your closet
me: i dont have a closet
katie: I know
katie: i fold your socks when your not home
keegan: i live in your garbage can. yeah that pull out garbage can goes a lot farther back then you think
me: awkwarddd.

keegan: ill be there soon i just have to go to the dollar store
me: for what?
keegan: dont worry about it
me: oh my god! are you getting my birthday present at the DOLLAR STORE?!?!
keegan: dont worry about it
me: thats horrible i got you.. well i didnt actually get you a present...nevermind

oh man katie and keegan i love you so much your my bestest friends for ever and ever.
even though we sound completely high or mentally retarted half of the time.. you can choose.

i dont even know why i put those conversations in here no one reads this and you guys dont even know about my blog
hah what if i were some blog celebrity and they didnt even know it.
i would be like leading a double life like hannah montana but im way cooler and i cant sing good if my life depended on it.
although i do sing alllll the time hahaha it just sounds like a dieing cat.
ok its not that bad but i think you get it that i cant sing.

i get to see KIRK THIS WEEKEND!!!! he lives two hours away and katie keegan laura and i met him last summer at this really crappy theme park called adventureland when him and his friend were following us cause he was bet 50 dollars that he could pull katie tube top down which never happened because we noticed them following us so i went up to them with katie and asked them to go on a ride with us. and they did and now were friends and he totally had the chance to pull her top down but didnt have the balls but anyways


it sounds really creepy that were going to see this random kid we met that tryed to pop my friends bubble but hes actually really nice and awesome and FRIGGIN HOT. thats really shallow but thats basically how our friendship with him works. hes probably the dumbest shallowest person ever but we love it and he loves us. =D

alright enough is enough

forizzle lexizzzle aka pee lee aka peanut aka sexer lexer (katie i hate you for that) aka lexi aka alexa =)
alright i need to get off the computer and go to bed

Saturday, July 19, 2008

here comes my pessimistic side

sooo the wedding went well. there were lots of cute boys and the food was great.

BUTTTT then it turned into a full downpoor with a huge storm and the wedding was outside. =/ there was also lots of alchohol involved that i may or may not of snuck for myself here and there but alchohol + family + rain = disaster

so my sisters really skinny and someone told her she looked anorexic so we get in the car coming back from the marriot which we had relocated to previously and she starts bawling. and dont forget shes really drunk. well my mom is too and my mom doesnt help what so ever. it was bad.

i tryed to give my sister a hug but she just pushed me away
PUSH PUSH PUSHING ME AWAY! (sorry i just had to throw that in)
and so i just went outside to let my fat black lab out to go to the restroom once we got home since i didnt wanna hear this lame drunken fight. but once i got inside i sent everyone to bed since drunken fighting is pointless. i was like mom this isnt necessary. and i just told my sister to go to bed. and they did haha. im fifteen and i tell my 40 something year old mom and 21 year old sister what to do and they listened.. awesome

but over all it was a decent night and well idk i just had to tell someone



Friday, July 18, 2008


so once again i JUST posted but i thought of something.

my dad has started calling me pee lee
wanna know the story? .. well im gonna tell it to you anywayss.

so my name is lexi and my middle name is lee well my real name is alexa but thats not important.
so my mom calls me lee lee cause well idk but she does;; and my dad thinks its funny to call me peanut even though im freakin 5'10and 1/2" and soo he thought it would be even funnier to call me pee lee and now he wont stop

OH MY GOD and i laugh at everything so i laughed at it so now he thinks i actually like it omgshh haha i mean its not that weird but i think people will take it the wrong way..

like maybe she wets the bed? HAH i actually did wet the bed for quite sometime when i was younger but no one needs to know that. good thing no one reads my blog


here comes the bride...

soooo tomorrow i have to go to a wedding! its not just any wedding though.. its the last watson wedding!!!
thats big news for me. im soo excited their family and my family are like one BIG family and their youngest daughter is getting married!! these weddings always include lots of alchohol partying dancing and this year im betting on fighting!!

bring on the brass knuckles jkjk :P
her husband comes from a loud italian family and his friends are quite the crazy bunch its gonna be sweeeeet.

anywaysss.. for the wedding i have to dress up which i dont mind cuase i like dressing up but my dress is satin and if i spill on it im gonna throw a shit fit cause its satin and it will be my first time wearing it and if i spill its RUINED. oh god cross my fingers. i have the worst tendency to spill =x

but i got to get a pedicure today! i needed one bad from basketball cuase my feet were soo callused. the lady treated me like a princess which is suprising cause i went by myself and im only fifteen so i expected her to treat me crappy but it was ALL good. so i gave her a five dollar tip. BIG SPENDER jk

back to my dress... its soo awesome its like hippyish with like a dark blue green fade into a light blue green and a maroon vneck with a cinched waist i LOVEEE it. it was quite expensive though but totally worth it.

and im even happier cause the jonas brothers were on fnmtv tonight and did amazing. nicks hat was wicked cool and they announced that their the first announced to perform on the vmas!!!!! how cool is that!

yeah who says their lame now?!?!

alright enough rambling.

now go do what you do.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


so i just posted literally about .43856 seconds ago but i decided i want to put a thing at the end to say like signing out.

hmm what should it be?
over and out
nahh thats really lame, but then again im cool enough to do that..
orrr how about something ghetto since im like thee whitest person known to man
how about.... the classic PEACE
nah thats not cool enough
hmm maybe i should google this

google knows all.

i think i'll do that and decide later... or tomorrow
im a procrastinator.
that reminds me of a facebook bumper sticker..
its like procrastinators UNITE... tomorrow...

it makes me laugh but i dont like to send bumper stickers to myself cause i feel like i have an inside joke with myself and that seems weird

ok this is WAY to long


i feel the need to post something but i have nothing to say.

all of my randomness has disappeared today. it must be hiding in a cave, maybe in the bahamas?
idk but im really extremely bored. and i have no idea how to make friends on this thinger its kind of confusing whatever i guess ill just keep this to my random thoughts.

i need to do laundry. seriously my laundry is strewn across my room everywhere. its everywhere but in my laundry basket and where it should be; like on a hanger perhaps.

i ran 1.5 miles today
and i ate a cream saver.
well i had other food but that orange cream saver was REALLY good.

my dutch cousins that have been visiting for three weeks leave on saturday and were going to happy joes for pizza!!
they have GAMES at happy joes im SO pumped!
im gonna dominate the ski ball, actually on second thought i suck at ski ball.

whateverr im off to shower

keepin it real

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

i love the smell of rubber cement

dont you? it smells so good. i could smell it for hours.. but that would be very bad. its not really the best idea. it burns your nose hairs and throws me all out of sorts.. so on second thought i couldnt and i personally dont think getting high off of rubber cement sounds like fun. or getting high at all. maybe thats why you cant buy rubber cement unless your 18. haha im not 18 silly check out person.

RUN, RUN LIKE YOU DO, wow i love the jonas brothers and their new song pushing me away. which is number one on itunes. sue me i like the jonas brothers. ok i dont like them,, i LOVE them. =D im fifteen years old i think its ok. yeah disney is immature but i love watching the jonas infested commercials and not having to engage in any thinking when i watch this channel. its simple.

no idont have their posters all over my walls... ok maybe i have a few ...

i also love pharrel and i wanted to be journalist as of yesterday but now im thinking movie producer/director. im bossy and i am quite the people watcher idk i have some time to decide.

well this is going NO WHERE so
PEACE =P... that was dumb

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

=D im really cold right now.

i just noticed that at the bottom of the like blog entry thing theres a spot for tags or labels er whatever and the first example is scooters. wtf? haha i find that a little weird

do you know anyone who writes a blog that pertains to scooters
ok so i could techinically put scooters as a tag for this entry since i am talking about them..
maybe thats their whole master plan... put scooters on their so people like me notice that and say something about it. maybe the creators of are part of some scooter conspiracy raising scooter awareness across the us. you think? should i put scooters in my tag?.. i think im going to

this blog is absolutely pointless but i just joined and if anyones even reading this, which im pretty sure no one is.. this entry gives you a feel of what the rest of my posts are going to be about. im just a weird kid that wants someone to listen.

even if its about scooters and other pointless crapp xx

oh and im lexi =D
i dont bite .. unless your into that sort of thing..
with that being said lets converse